

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Premium domain name www.fxfill.com for sale

 Premium domain name www.fxfill.com for sale.

Listed in Dan, Afternic, Sedo, Squadhelp, and others.

Buy now by clicking the link: 


The domain name "fxfill.com" can be interpreted in several ways. "Fx" is commonly associated with the term "foreign exchange," which implies a connection to the financial industry. The term "fill" could signify the completion of a transaction or the act of filling a gap or need. Therefore, "fxfill.com" could suggest a platform or service related to foreign exchange transactions, providing efficient and timely execution of orders. Potential buyers who might find this domain name appealing include financial technology companies, online trading platforms, forex brokers, fintech startups, foreign exchange service providers, investment firms, currency exchange platforms, banking institutions, financial news websites, and market research firms.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Beware: www.jumia88.com is a SCAM site

 There is a new group of scammers,using this website :  www.jumia88.com

They are organized scammers with other websites: including www.jumia77.com


So lookout for other further scamming website in the future with www.jumia(figure**).com

The site is dominated using the Nigerian naira and agents from Nigeria. 

The scammers Agent Whatsapp Number is +234 703 324 3833

The Agent Telegram id is : @tutor5835

(EFCC should use this to track these scammers).

They claim to be processing orders for bigger online shops like Jumia, Konga, etc.

So in this scam they will ask you to recharge by depositing money for their different VIP level: Vip 1 to Vip 5.

The trick is they will give you a welcome bonus of 300 Naira. And allow you process 3/10 tasks. And ask you to recharge to complete the 10/10 orders.

If you are lucky you deposited N1000 recharge for Vip1, they would allow you withdraw the first profit of N400 ( bonus) plus the N1000. 

And the scam comes in when you are ask to deposit more either for VIP 1 or higher level Vip2. 

As you continue to grab orders they will begin to match you with orders higher than the amount you have in your account. This is to make sure you deposit more money.

10/10 tasks you can never complete again as you will be getting order running into thousands of Naira. At this stage you can't withdraw any money or take another order. You must process the order you have grabbed. It could be N1,000,000 order, you must deposit N1,000,000 to process that order. Next they match you up with N2,000,000 order. So it becomes impossible to withdraw again.

Stay away from this organised thieves. Help spread this information to protect others from their fraudulent websites.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Rare secrets of forex market makers, brokers will invest their last to stop you from knowing.

If you are new to trading forex, you are welcomed into a world where sharks eat lesser other fish. Be ready to lose, and wipe your accounts several times over and over. Also, be prepared to meet market makers' agents whose job is not to trade but to lead other traders, especially newbies from knowing the truth about trading. Remember this!  Brokers have what I call trappers, those tagged 'red badge', or 'tie or star' badge traders on any platform are hired agents of brokers to make you never see the real secret about trading.

Another secret, is that you disregard fundamental news, try to discover the real secret of forex in open charts, some call it price action. But the truth is that it is called candle patterns. I have revealed a major secret. Like other very few people who know this secret (1% of traders) when you find this secret it is difficult divulging it. I don't think I am ready to divulge for any lesser amount ( except if you have so much that you can pay me $1,000,000. LOL, kidding? or that seems to be the truth). Chart your course yourself in forex trading. Don't depend on those deceiving materials, ideas
from books, from the internet. All these are further ways of misleading you.

Another secret, forget about indicators, they are nonsense tools to continue to trap you.
Again, chart your own course in fx trading.
I only gave a slice. The truth is that, if you are not their own, ( the cult team) the chance for you to understand and make anything meaningful from trading forex is zero. Except, you depend on the Holy Spirit like I did; For God is the revealer of the secret things in the darkest places.

Now, I know the fx secrets and codes, looking for true investors who will fund good accounts and I will trade and we shall earn big and share our profits. You can take the bull by the horn try it and you can come here to testify if am for real or not.
Send me an email: accuratefx@yahoo.com

Note, I can not manage so many accounts. So, the first 2 or 3 investors with good funds will be entertained.
Remain blessed.

Monday, December 3, 2018

The spiritual forces, and others that fight to stop your success in forex trading

Some years back I thought fx trading was only been manipulated by brokers and Market Makers. But, while by the grace of God I get to understand the secret behind this trade the attacks became beyond the physical. I know you are wondering what I meant by beyond the physical. Yes, I meant every word of the phrase. If you think by your own power you can overcome and become successful, the chances are that you will be wasting your time and donating free money to this cartel. These guys are coordinated forces and use all means to stop traders that are not their agents from making anything meaningful from the trade. They use spiritual attacks to break down your system, and confuse you, they send viruses to attack your system and do a whole lot more. This is strange indeed, but from experience this is true.
To overcome them you need to work under the guidance of God and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the secrets of the dark places representing this trade. That is why I now know what I know.
In the future, I may reveal more.
However, now having known their secrets and how the trend moves a few investors who are really serious about making money trading forex should invest from $5,000 or more. I will trade the accounts and we share profits 50-50% on weekly basis.
Only a few investors would be entertained as I cannot monitor so many accounts. So contact me now let's get started.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Why market makers will stop you from meeting traders like me

Good day, I am a professional forex trader. I have been trading since 2007. Having lost a lot by God’s grace I have found a combination of systems that has revealed the secret behind fx trading.  I have test-ran in demo and live have gotten huge success. And I have helped other few clients before I finally got this all winning system. See my thread in Forexfactory with my long communication over the years.: https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=580366
However as you can see my account was revoked just because I stated revealing the secret of fx by giving out freebies signals. Forex trading indeed is government by a clique of manipulators who will not want you to know their secret. However, I have gotten that Holy Grail that makes only 1% of traders to succeed while other 99% continue to lose. Since 2007 I have blown several accounts. But, Now that I found the secret I want to trade and manage accounts of interested partners. You create your account fund it from $5,000 or more. You only give me the login details for me to trade/. Each week you make withdrawal of our profits and we shall share it 50-50%.
If you are interested in making good money from fx trading this is the rare opportunity. I promise you will be happy you did. Just give it a try.

Send me an email if you are interested in this.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Turned 50k into $680k

 I have  finally closed the remaining opened trades in my trade explorer in Forex factory. 
From a $50k fund, I turned it into $680k. See evidence here :

My system is now even very accurate than before. 
I have proofed myself enough. So I won't be posting any trade in the explore again.
I will be focusing on my live trades and those of few clients.
if you are interested as an investor invest $5k or more and I trade for you. We shall share profit 50-50% weekly. if you want my signal service, subscribe for $300 per week.
Send me an email:


Monday, February 12, 2018

loads of green pips unfolding.

Join me as we enjoy the benefit of forex trading. accurate forex analyses turning in hundreds of pips weekly. Invest $5000 to $500,000 let me manage the account and we share the profit 50-50%.
If you want accurate signal services. Subscribe for 4300 per week and you will get timely, accurate forex signals.
See more from my threads in forex factory:

Send me an email: accuratefx@yahoo.com